Photo by Joseph Gonzalez on Unsplash

How To Have Your Morning Joy

Eggs and spinach


There is nothing more enjoyable for me than to feed my body really good food. I feel it is necessary at this time and at my age. Recently, I got tired of eating bread so much. Since the pandemic, we eat a lot of sandwiches. Ugg!

This morning I decided I was not going to do that anymore and made something different. It is called “My Morning Joy.” It is quick and easy and very tasty.

When you find out what it is, you can add other ingredients if you like, which would probably make it better. Just have a small frying pan to start and spray it with cooking oil of your choice.


1 egg (whipped)

1 bunch of spinach

1 tablespoon of butter

1 tablespoon of Sharp cheese

1 tablespoon of Mexican Crema or sour cream

Salt and pepper to taste


With my greased frying pan or saute pan I turned the heat up to medium and added the tablespoon of butter so it slowly melts. I threw in a handful of spinach and let it blanch stirring it. I pushed it over to the side.

Next, I added the egg that I whipped and scrambled it. In the meantime I mixed it with…



Jo Ann Harris, Writer of Daily Musings

Writing on Medium since 2018. Writer for Illumination, About Me, and others, I write on a myriad of subjects with you in mind