(Photo by Author.)

Ranger and the Getaway.

Short story about a guest I had for a year.


I met Ranger about a year or so ago. He belongs to a friend of mine and he asked if I wouldn’t mind keeping him for a while until he could workout some logistics. He didn’t have enough room where he lived to have his dog and he worked long hours. If he kept him he would not be able to run home to take him out, feed him, etc. I said I would be glad to as I have room and a large yard in the back so he has some space to run and hunt.

He also told me that Ranger got out one time and a neighbor found him close to a busy highway looking for his master. I guess he is part bloodhound too since that is the only way out of the complex. Thank goodness the neighbor found him in time and called his owner and friend and took him back to the enclosure to wait.

I didn’t mind taking him in as I lost my dog about 6 months earlier when she died from a terrible illness. Also, I was home all day and could give him a lot of attention, and he would be safe in the backyard as it’s fenced-in and on a canal away from any roadway.

We bonded immediately. He rubs against me and wants to love me. He has such a sweet disposition. He loves people and attention and wants to be at your side all the time. He was happy that he was at this new resort where he had so much space, food and…



Jo Ann Harris, Writer of Daily Musings

Writing on Medium since 2018. Writer for Illumination. I write on a myriad of subjects with you in mind.