Thanks To You Wonderful, Supportive Writers.

I finally hit the $100 mark but this ain’t over.

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

Hey Everyone:

Thanks so much for reading, clapping, and responding to my post . . .

This has been a breakthrough for me and I hope it continues. I have not made $100 on one post in three years. Last year I made a total of about $176.00. I was so distraught.

I found out why. Mostly, my stories were never seen by anyone. It wasn’t because I am a bad writer. I followed all the rules and my stats were still low. My profile was never on anyone’s feed. Why? Not sure. If you ran across me, it was pure luck for me and my luck had not been good. You helped and I thank you for that.

I always thought that Medium helped the writers to be seen. Apparently, not.

You have to really work and think and do to get any response even though you write every day. You think of things that you think others would like to know about, but nothing happens and you sit in total confusion as to why not.



Jo Ann Harris, Writer of Daily Musings

Writing on Medium since 2018. Writer for Illumination, About Me, and others, I write on a myriad of subjects with you in mind